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Showing posts with the label society

Let's Talk About Why They're Mad

 Events happening in our school district make me sick. I lie awake at night and wonder how I can change the way things are going. I compose speeches in my head, but many well-spoken people have already tried that and got nowhere. We can't make certain board members listen when they don't want to, when they've already decided what they're going to do. As a result, I decided to do what I do: write. In this blog, I will try to interpret what I see in terms of what I know. It might help like-minded people to understand. It probably won't change the minds of those who feel the opposite way. As I said, they've already decided.  You can answer my posts if you like, but it's my blog. I control what gets seen, and I expect polite discussion and truthfulness. I realize that people get upset with the way things are in a society as big and complicated as ours is. They feel powerless. They feel like no one in government really listens to them. They hear things that make