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Showing posts with the label recall election

Recall in the Onaway Area School District

  There’s a lot to unpack, but I’ll take a stab at explaining the recall you are now able to support or ignore, as you choose. As is the right of every citizen , an Onaway resident recently asked for recall of four board members: Rieger, Kowalski, Palmer, and Chaskey. Two separate panels considered the petition. (By law, they can only decide if the wording is “clear” and “factual.”) Petitions were allowed in Cheboygan County (for Kowalski) and Presque Isle (for Rieger and Palmer.) Since Rieger and Kowalski are up for re-election in November, only Palmer’s recall moved forward. A recall means that in the next election, the official who is challenged (John Palmer) will be placed on the ballot. If that person receives the highest number of votes, he continues to serve. If not, he is immediately replaced by the person running against him. Recall petitions are circulating now. The rules state: Signers of recall petitions must be registered to vote in the electoral district (your